About Us

Welcome to Biophytes Pharmaceutical

"Biophytes is a young and fast growing research oriented herbal pharmaceutical company. Biophytes is a new drug discovery company, manufacturing innovative herbal products with timeless efficacy. Biophytes Herbal products from nature wealth reaches the hands through most advanced technologies in GMP and ISO compliance manufacturing facility.

Armed with the mission to ensure efficacy, safety, affordability and the highest quality of herbal healthcare across the world, company products are widely accepted in Indian and international markets. Company conceptualizes innovative natural phytotherapies consisting of synergistic herbs inspired by Nature’s Ayurveda through well developed R&D verified by clinical evaluations.

The Company specializes in formulating, manufacturing and marketing proprietary blends of phytotherapies.

What we do


The Company specializes in reasearching, formulating, manufacturing and marketing proprietary blends of phtyo-therapies

Manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines

Biophytes is an Ayurvedic company working to creat medicines in crucial areas of healthcare including antimicrobial drugs, cardiovascular, renal, metabolic diseases, oncology, respiratory, reproductive health and Liver Health. Biophyte is recognized as a new drug discovery company, manufacturing innovative herbal products with timeless efficacy. Biophytes Herbal Remedies from natures Wealth reaches the market through most advanced technologies.

Mission & Vision

Mission: Improve the health and quality of human life through our innovative products from nature’s wealth.

VISION: Enriching lives through Research Based Products Biophytes have a  strong team of scientists, motivated employees trustworthy partners and a rich product pipeline, we can not only provide finest quality products  but also ensure a cleaner environment and a healthier planet

What we do

At Biophytes, our R&D division drives our industry . It develops solutions that allow us to deliver on our purpose and vision. Biophytes R&D effort is aligned with our organisational goal - to bring affordable, quality and effective medicines to market in order to reach to everyone Novel Drug Discovery and Development Biophytes Novel Drug Discovery and Development (NDDD) team of scientists focuses on developing innovative chemical entities for therapeutic areas such as Herbal Non antibiotics/new antimicrobial drugs (antibacterial / antifungal / antiviral), oncology, immunology and metabolic disorders